For the first time in decades, there are an abundance of new designs for nuclear power reactors — ones that are safer, more powerful, more portable, and even
At TED2010, Bill Gates unveils his vision for the world’s energy future, describing the need for “miracles” to avoid planetary catastrophe and explaining why he’s backing a dramatically
Nuclear power: the energy crisis has even die-hard environmentalists reconsidering it. In this first-ever TED debate, Stewart Brand and Mark Z. Jacobson square off over the pros and Karen Hudes was World Bank lawyer when she blew the whistle on major corruption cases in the system and was fired as a result. via Karen Hudes~World
A signature sequence in Gavin Hood’s newest film Ender’s Game is the zero-G battle room, a place where the titular character played by Asa Butterfield trains in space.
Guy Kawasaki survived working for Steve Jobs twice. At Silicon Valley Bank’s CEO Summit on October 6, 2011, Guy shared lessons learned from the entrepreneur of the 21st